Internship period : May 14th 2022 to August 10th 2022


I have been working for Acopia for 3 months, from May 14, and my internship will end on August 7.

My daily task is to write for the Acopia online newspaper, by writing several French articles about what I found interesting in South Korea, so that French people would be more incline to visit the country. By doing this tourism aspect of the job, I also have the opportunity to use Acopia’s SNS: Twitter, Naver and Facebook.

Without this internship, I would have never been able to meet so many people, all with different backgrounds and nationalities. I was also able to visit so many places during my working hours, from museums, to coffee shops, even different cities!

Professionally, I can say that this internship, being in Seoul, is an added value for my CV, as I had to adapt myself to a new environment, a different culture, and new ways of working. I am proud to say that I am a more efficient person than I was before.